Scale Your Automotive Business With the Right Training

Key Choice Online Training


Many automotive repair shops struggle to expand their business, they struggle to find the right tactics, the right operating procedures and the right ways to get their business up and running. Key Choice Training will give you exactly what you need to scale, understand, instill standard operations so that your business runs smoothly and expands without consideration. The Key Choice Training Program is top-operating collision shops training looking to help our member shops constantly improve and raise the bar when it comes to performance and profitability.

  • Apply standard operation procedures and see your profits skyrocket!
  • Understand detailing, disassembly, estimators, mechanic operations and assembly lines.
  • Create a full-fledged machine that delivers finished vehicles and profits to your business.
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The Right Tools and Training


Key Choice has helped hundreds of collision centers and automotive repair centers to expand and create a better future for their business. When it comes confusing to financials, confusing on increasing sales, on increasing the baseline necessities for the business the Key Choice Training Program is the most comprehensive program that creates an ease of expansion for every member of your team.

  • Scale your business with ease
  • Get all members of your team on the same page, and create a foundation for scalability
  • Get all the most frustrating questions answered on the next level of expansion for your business
  • Access over 60 video training modules that you can come back to and work on with your team
  • Refer back and download standard files and operation procedures you can use to expand your business
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“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

-Napoleon Hill

Your Online Resource for Automotive Repair Scaling

You can push and attack as hard as you want, but the truth is without the right information, the practical skills you cannot scale. The Key Choice Program makes it simple and easy to understand and scale your business.

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When someone works with this program, they’re choosing trained auto body repair professionals and market leaders with proven performance to assist them from the moment they join.

“Three years ago, our collision center was in in need of some attention. Our quality was great, but our volume and cycle time were not where they needed to be. Our inability to get cars done in a reasonable time had an immense negative impact on our customer satisfaction as well. Two and a half years ago, we began working with the people from Key Choice, and it has proven to be one of the best business relationships I have ever had. Our customer satisfaction consistently runs over 95 percent, our cycle time is in the top 10 percent of the industry, our volume has increased 62 percent in the last 2 years. Key Choice has given us great purchasing power, but more importantly incredible paint manufacturer support. The greatest advantage I have found with the Key Choice people is having access to the leaders of some of the highest-performing collision centers in the country. This has truly been a win-win-win relationship.” -Key Choice Member

“I’m extremely pleased to be a member of the Key Choice group because it has helped me grow my business through training programs, workshops, and networking with other member owners and managers of Key Choice. Along with deep discounts on equipment and paint materials to increase my profits, I would highly recommend any qualified shop to join the Key Choice team.” -Key Choice Member

“Group purchasing is only the first step to improving profit by cost reduction; dollars saved through better purchasing flow straight to the bottom line. A few of us have studied the lean format and made many changes within our shops. I have a quote I’ve used for years, and I use it when training about lean processes: ‘If a shop or a person says they’re lean, they’re far from it. You’ll never be 100 percent lean. It’s about constant, continual improvement.’ Although the shops are all a bit different, they pursue commonalities by collaborating on identifying best practices and putting them into action—85 percent of the processes are standardized.” – John Magowan

Explore How We Operate

Our national account status has given us the ability to create opportunities not possible with smaller groups or individual shops. We have worked with hundreds of collision repair shops and businesses in the industry to be able to understand what the biggest challenges are and how we solve them.


Find the immediate solutions and remedies to create a growing and profitable business.


Get aligned across your business with standard operating procedures to grow your company.


Understand and debug the biggest barriers to more sales and increased revenue.

Financial Review

Go through and utilize our system to track your books and find missing opportunities.


Learn the basic strategies to create and enhance your marketing to drive your business upwards in the social media landscape.

Feature six

Install a new process that produces results and strict guidelines to ensure nothing is missed.

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The Training You Need


We communicate back and forth about problems and find resolutions to fix them. Sometimes, from communicating about our problems, we discover what training is needed for technicians. We are extremely proactive when it comes to learning from one another. For instance, we will visit other members’ shops to learn about their processes and how we can implement them in this online training program. Key Choice is your support group when you become a member. We want your shop to succeed and increase their profits.

  • Savings in product usage
  • Increased profits
  • Increased sales production
  • Ability to develop processes within their shops to improve customer satisfaction
  • Improved cycle times
  • Send messages to individuals within the platform to learn and create
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